Inner Wisdom Process

I created this video for my fabulous colleague Kanesha Baynard as she and her clients go on a self-care diet for the month of October!! What a rocking idea! Every Thursday of October is thought-work Thursday where you learn new methods to dissolve your untruthful, stressful thoughts and replace them with more truthful, better feeling thoughts to create health in your body, mind, and soul one thought at a time!

I decided to post this video clip on my website too, as this is not information you want to withhold from anyone! This is powerful stuff!!! If you practice this skill on a consistent basis your life will change! My mentor Abigail Steidley created this tool to help quiet your critical storyteller (left side of your brain) so you can clearly hear that truthful part of your brain. Learning HOW to access that truthful part of your brain, your inner wise guide, your soul, is invaluable. For example, my critical storyteller likes to tell me over and over again how I will run out of money which creates immense worry in my body. When I quiet that part of my brain and tap into my wise guide she tells me that I am doing just fine right now, and that I am a smart and motivated women who won’t let myself run out of money. Basically, I won’t let myself get to that point!!! Wow! That is awesome, truthful advice!! And I know it’s truthful because it feels good to my soul. Like I said in my video, why would you want to hold on to thoughts that aren’t true, that make you feel like shiza* and that create pain in your body (physically, mentally, and emotionally) when you can tap into that part of yourself that tells you the truth so you feel lighter, at peace, balanced, and confident. This is when health is created (physically, mentally, and emotionally = body, mind, and soul). This is your inner wise guide and your inner wise guide will always tell you the truth and lead your life in the right direction.

So take a breath, grab some doodling utensils, and find out what your wise guide has to say to you today!

* A German cuss word meaning shit

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